Tuesday, December 1, 2009

P3 R1 D7

-0.2 Below LDW - 164.6

Yesterday I ate lots of stuff with butter in it, and today still under LDW. That is fantastic. Today I have a luncheon to attend and I'm hoping they have lots of foods I can eat.

The adventures in food and LDW continue.

Darn luncheon! I ended up having teriyaki chicken and realizing, duh there's sugar in teriyaki! Guess I'll have to see what the scale has to say.

What I ate today:
1 eggs
1 bacon
diet snapple raspberry tea
salad with tomatoes, bell pepper, and other stuff (removed the carrots)
teriyaki chicken

I have an apple here with me at work waiting for me to chomp on it and I'm not sure what's for dinner but I'll try to make it calorie ladened.

Today's menu continued:
turkey drumstick
cabbage :)

Standing by the mailbox waiting for my cookies... I know it's only been a day of so but I can dream can't I :D

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