Thursday, November 5, 2009

P2 R1 D37 - VLCD35

Morning Report
Today I'm on an emotional roller coaster and I just want to sleep until the rides over... I know it's TOM but that doesn't make it any better. Goose eggs on the scale today and I really don't care... No seriously, I'm in too much pain to care. I'll care tomorrow.

Please pass the motrin and somebody wake me when tomorrow gets here!

What I plan to eat:
microwaved (baked) apple
1 egg/3 egg whites

Evening Report
Tired all day, and then had a tough time getting to sleep. Pffft. Still no hhcg in the mail :( Hopefully tomorrow.


  1. I don't understand how the HCG diet differs from any other very low calorie diet. However, your apple-a-day is mostly carbohydrates, which could be slowing your weight loss.

    The HCG sounds like a placebo at best, and voodoo at the worst. What does the HCG do for you?

  2. If you're really interested in an answer, I don't mind sharing the information, but if your goal is just to criticize I will not watse my time.

    I look forward to your decision.
