Saturday, October 24, 2009

P2 R1 D25 - VLCD23

Morning Report
I will probably do an apple day tomorrow if the scale doesn't move by then. I know it hasn't been 4-6 days for me with this plateau, but waiting that amount of time to get back on track would drive me crazy . I have been losing just about a pound a day up till now and I would like to kick things back into gear.

In being open, honest, and accountable I am still asking how much of this is me. I have been drinking lots more wine than my calories allow lately, and I have not been eating my meals like I am supposed to. Yesterday, I had an a few strawberries; I never finished my morning allotment of strawberries, I had cabbage for lunch and the rest of the day, nada, except of course wine.

Now I'm not saying the wine is going anywhere I'm just saying it shouldn't be a freakin' meal! And I definitely shouldn't be drinkin all my calories.
Okay, there I said it. I had a good talking to with myself... Hope it works :)

If after today, which I KNOW is going to be a day I get my azz into gear, I am still at 180.2 I will do an apple day.

I had two people notice my weight loss today.
It was a good feeling! Gotta keep it going though, can't let the train get stuck at 180.2! I'm out to CURE the obesity in my life, me and good ole Dr. Simeon... and a few of my most wonderful lady friends!

It's super early here on the West Coast, I'm posting earlier than usual. Im going to get some water (need to kill the hunger pains, I didn't eat dinner last night
) and go back to bed... I have a long day later today.

What I plan to eat:
chicken thigh

Evening Report
It was the longest day EVER. I took hundreds of pictures and at the end of the night, the little people and I ended up being extras in the movie! Pretty cool.

They were SO GOOD, even I was surprised. I did try to go prepared. Food and some cartoon downloads from itunes and they were good!

I did a good job of packing food for myself but not a great job. I started out on a bad foot since I was so hungry so soon in the morning from not having dinner. I stayed on plan though... mostly; I had a thigh instead of a breast that was what they had and I needed to eat or fail altogether from being hungry. No excuses, just reality showed up. Not being fully prepared means putting myself at risk.

Still working to get fully back on track. I look forward to getting back to losing. I especially want to see it go away in my waist. One of the amazing hcg weightloss ladies did hula hoop while watching television or something like that, I think I might try that. We'll see.

I'm am grateful for today, lots of wonderful experiences, no big cheats or huge goof ups, my children were dynamo, and my reflection was kind Thank you Lord!

Super duper prayers the scale will be kind tomorrow. Help me break through Lord! And bless those that have real problems. I am grateful. Amen.


  1. Tam- ok here is your official "talking to" :) You need to eat your protein at least and quit drinking your meals as you say :) This protocol is very short, so why not make the absolute most of it. You are doing great. I tried the apple day too when I had not been in a real 4-5 day stall and only lost .2 lbs. But I did try a mini steak day and lost 1 lb the next day and .8 the next. Don't eat all day, drink water, and for dinner eat 200g protein and an apple. I give you a challenge: for 1 week try following protocol EXACTLY and see what happens :) Keep it up girl!


  2. Okay, Jen. Apple Day today Steak Day tomorrow. I am back on the movie set and will be around a lot of food so not eating all day and having a steak at night is better served on a day like Monday when I'm at work and school all day and not around food.

    I am taking you up on your challenge and will be following protocol exactly :0)Tuesday - Tuesday (Monday = Steak Day).

  3. Question: For the steak day, can the water be tea with Stevia.

    Correction: Monday is the completion of apple day, with dinner that night, and Tuesday is steak day.
