Friday, October 2, 2009

P2 R1 D3 - VLCD1

Morning Report
The scale is down .2 since yesterday. Nothing really to report except I'm glad the filling up part is over. My stomach is so gassy and I don't need to tell you what that means. I think it was the ice cream.

Evening Report
What I had to eat:
tea with juice of 1/2 lemon
beef (100g)
shrimp (80g)
Calories recorded in fitday.

Today is my first very low calorie day/diet (VLCD) and it was a challenge. I was hungry this morning and did my best to stretch out the food I took to work. I had some nasty coffee in the late afternoon to try and fight off the hunger.

I just had dinner and I am pretty much still hungry. Oh well. It's bearable. I think the wine will do the trick ;0) I still have 1 litter of water to drink but I might forgo some of it so I'm not up going to the bathroom all night. Maybe I'll have half after the wine to flush everything through hehehe

I bought some stevia this evening and plan to try it out in my tea tomorrow. I look forward to what the scale brings tomorrow. I have to be honest, I'm a little concerned how the wine might affect the numbers but not concerned enough not to drink it.. it's been a looooong week and Dr. Simeon said it was okay.

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